Regard vers un ailleurs
2012. Regard vers un ailleurs, Boris Gayrard and Sandra MatamorosPhotography exhibition
Juin 2012
A dual perspective through moments of awareness full of nostalgia from these two photographers. Boris Gayrard's barren landscapes reveal a raw and mysterious beauty, in which nature's fragility appears untameable. Sandra Matamoros guides the viewer on an inner journey, both real and fantastic, in search of the subjective, emotional memory. The landscapes seen through their lenses are vast, desolate. Only a few elements, subtly suggested or incongruous, betray the presence of man. The work prompts a profound reflection: our place in nature and in our own lives.
Boris Gayrard
"Mongibello" and "69.13°N51.06°W" series
He portrays large spaces in which nature sculpts his works. He purges the landscape, leaving the viewer with only the rawest of emotions.
Sandra Matamoros
Photographs and videos
"700 miles" series
She invites the viewer to enter the emotional memory of travel. A photographic road movie.
photo © Boris Gayrard - Mongibello